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God equipped for life as mission.

Welcome to Headspace, we are all about helping young adults aged 18-25 navigate life's big questions.  

We believe that understanding who you are and what your purpose is begins with exploring your identity in Christ and discovering the person God desires you to be.

Headspace is a one-year experiential Christian discipleship initiative that prepares young adults for a life of mission. We provide purpose by equipping individuals with biblical understanding, holistic life skills, and practical tools necessary to discover and live out God’s mission.

Our model balances the transformation of the mind and heart, practical life and ministry skills, and meaningful engagement with others. We take the Bible seriously, encouraging students to think critically and speak openly about Scripture.

Our culture promotes unconditional love and mutual respect, fostering openness in individual faith journeys.  

Our ultimate goal is for each person to finish with a deeper understanding and love for God, along with a broader perspective on life as a mission.

Join the Adventure: Headspace is Calling for Passionate Leaders!

The Headspace programme provides
a variety of learning experiences.

Headspace: Distinctives

The characteristics that are distinctive to Headspace are its:

  1. Intention to capture and excite the next generation around the mission of God locally and globally.

  2. Communal focus, financially affordable, and academically accessible.

  3. Overseas intercultural mission experience focusing on service, relationships and partnership.

  4. Emphasis on robust marketplace and mission theology.

  5. Commitment to holistic development, including skills in flatting, work, emotional intelligence, and spiritual formation.

Headspace: Overview

The programme runs from March to November.  This provides time for learning together, gaining practical work experience, engaging in ministry, and participating in an overseas cross-cultural adventure. The rhythm of the year involves communal living, daily rhythms (e.g., prayer, dinners), two and a half teaching days per week covering various topics, part-time employment, an eight-week cross-cultural mission experience, regular learning retreats, weekly engagement in local outreach, and involvement in church gatherings and ministry with a partner church. The focus is on personal growth and development through mentoring, coaching, and journaling.  Counselling support is available if needed.

Headspace: Community

To foster communal living and deep relationships, student numbers are limited to six to eight. Leaders and students do life together, grounded in a local neighbourhood and community. Shared accommodation encourages communal living, and intensive retreats provide opportunities for student transformation and community building. Headspace's partnership with a local church offers a community for students to participate in during the program, providing prayer, discipleship through mentoring connections, relationship building, and opportunities for service.  Students engage in ongoing part-time employment (12-16 hours per week), that provides workplace experience, gaining transferable skills for future employment, and providing opportunities to learn money management while saving for their overseas experience.

Headspace: Overseas

The overseas mission component is a key aspect of Headspace.  It offers a transformative experience in a supportive Christian community. Shaped around a robust theology of short-term missions, the overseas trip provides ample opportunities for learning, reflection, processing, and applying learning both while overseas and upon returning to New Zealand. It also provides an ongoing relationship with people in cross-cultural communities.

Headspace: Cost


This includes the course fees, accommodation and food, and the overseas missions trip.  Over the duration of the year students are expected to work 12-16 hours a week which provides opportunity to offset some of this cost.

Note: The 2024 pricing of $14,500 is still to be confirmed.